Friday, February 8, 2013

The wrinkle free woman

Our Woman to Woman meeting was held at the
church last Saturday.
The name tags were hung on the clothes line
and worn with clothes pins.

The theme was Wrinkle Free Women.
Just as the laundry needs attention
our lives need attention, too.

Keep your life clean and open before the Lord.
Take care of stains and tough cleaning problems
as soon as they come up.
Don't wait to confess those sins until they leave
permanent scars on your life.

Remember the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:9

Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
Psalm 51:7

We had lots of fun with games and prizes centering around
cleaning and laundry products.

Our lunch was soup, sandwich, salad & dessert.

The door prizes were baskets of cleaning supplies.

(43 women attended and I know some people reading my blog will want this idea for future reference.)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a creative woman's the red bow on the ironing board. The name tags are adorable.

    1. Hi Dee, We did have fun with it. I am glad you got out to roam around. I never need my car until it has to be serviced or someone else needs it. I am always checking your blog and keep up with you and Sue!

    2. I agree with Dee. What a fitting theme for women, we can all relate to laundry!

    3. It was fun...I wish you lived closer, I'd love to invite you to come with me!

  2. Dearest Donna...My sister in our precious Lord, Savior, Redeemer and Messiah,
    Thank you for your darling post. I cherich being invited along to anything that involves women's ministry. I love your application to our daily lives and how we need His constant repair, cleaning and maintaining. Oh, what a sweet theme for your ladies.
    Blessings to you,
    Carolynn xoxo

    1. Thanks for your commment, We really need that fellowship and keeping the wrinkles out of our spiritual lives is more important than keeping them out of our clothes.
      Blessings right back to you,

  3. What a neat theme for a ladie's gathering. Our ladies try to get together with a sister church once a year for a mini retreat and this looks like fun.

    1. I thought some others would like to try this.
      Happy you liked it.

  4. OH DONNA! This is a wonderful theme!! I really like this. I'll have to keep it in mind the next time I plan a ladies ministry meeting. Thank you so much for sharing - and for the photos (that made it so much better).
    Blessings to you and the ladies!

  5. I came across your blog as I was planning this same program title for our military wives bible study in Germany. I am searching for games to play and can't find hardly anything online by the way I am searching. Can you share any with me? Our program is next Wednesday the 27th. Thanks so much! I love your decorations! You can email me directly at
