Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The week went by so fast!

Brett was happy just to hang out in the backyard pool.
This was Brett's first summer vacation at the beach!
or crawl around the kitchen.

He liked the sand

He loved the water...

With Mom nearby...

or dad,  It really didn't matter.

Sand Castles were just fine, too!

                                         We all loved the farm.

                                                   Hey, Wait your turn.
                                        These Goats have got it figured out...
                    They get the feed before it reaches your hand.

                             Isn't this Charlotte from "Charlottes Web" ?
                  (She hadn't finished writing her message...)
                                  Kayla loved following the ducks...
                                The Ducks were everywhere!

How Did the time fly by so fast?


  1. Your family is beautiful and I'm
    glad you had a good time with
    them. Brett is precious!

  2. Brett is a very cute child, Donna, My grandkids and I used to feed the neighbor's goats! Enjoy what's left of summer, some of my leaves are turning!

  3. I sent you an email to see if you would be working this Thursday or Friday. My girlfriend and I are coming to the beach and will be thrifting down your way. I wanted to know the name of your store. I can't find where I wrote it down. Sorry! Check your email and see if you have my note. I sent it about a week ago. Hope you will be there, so I can tell you hello. Love & blessings from NC!
