Tuesday, November 16, 2010

prim snowmen...

I finally finished the prim snowmen pins that a
client asked me to make for her.

This is a very sweet lady that has lots of friends
and loves to visit and chat.

She invited me to Tea last weekand we had a great time. 

She would love to make these things herself
but her eyesight is failing her and her hands sometimes
shake.  She hires me to do what she is no longer able to do.

I'm glad to help her feel that she still can fit in with her friends that love to quilt and exchage "homemade" gifts.


  1. Donna, these are just darling! You are
    so talented! I'm sure this precious
    lady will love these and so will her

  2. These are very charming snowmen, Donna!

  3. Those are adorable! I'm in such a mood to do something creative like that now.

    p.s. I'm having a cookbook giveaway at my blog if you're interested.

  4. These are adorable, Donna. You did a wonderful job on them. I know she will be thrilled!!! So cute!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  5. Donna, your work is so nice. The pins and snowmen goblets are adorable and it is very nice of you to take the time to give the directions.
